
Compromise Assessment

Proactively identify suspicious activity within your environments

Why do security breaches go unnoticed or underestimated?


  • Hackers sophisticated tools and techniques that are not detected by conventional security mechanisms
  • Insiders act carefully, using legitimate software, which enables them to remain unnoticed
  • Attacks on your infrastructure are conducted indirectly through less secure subcontractors, partners or clients


Identifying risks, incidents, advanced persistent threats, and current compromises in your network, additionally uncovers malicious access and usage of your environment.

Our goal is to detect and stop these active security incidents quickly and quietly. We thoroughly assessed your environment, providing comprehensive hunting for current and previous compromises.
The Compromise Assessment is composed of identifying and addressing core problems such as:
  • Indicators of Compromise (IOC)
  • Lateral Movements
  • Data exfiltration and sabotage
  • Network, host, and application configurations
  • Command and control activities
  • User account anomalies
  • Malware and persistence mechanisms
Additionally, LOEPRE offers monitoring by experienced specialists 24/7, as part of our OCDC Services.